Tuesday, April 5, 2011

more weeding

I weeded the back bed today as we are soon going to need to thin out our seedlings.  The arugula, the lettuce and the broccoli rabe are the easiest to see in this wide picture, but the rainbow chard and kale are looking super cute up close.  I'll take pics of them soon :)

these are before and after pics of the back corner.  How 'bout that garden!!  As I was weeding, I came across many a dandelion.  I decided now was as good a time as ever to have my first dandelion salad!!!

ooooo and some wild onions were growing back in that mess too!!!

I read about dandelions on this page.  The salad I made had the greens, the onions, a carrot, and lemon oil honey dressing.

It was mighty strange.  I ate it all.