Saturday, September 24, 2011

Comic Strip

I have also started a comic drawing pastime in order to pass time at work.
Note:  This strip is not based on current events.


Fall Update

I know it has been a very long time since a post has been made, and I apologize.  Now that that's out of the way!

The chickens are great!
They are happy and healthy, but they still have not given us any eggs!  Hopefully we will get our first one any day now from Sabrina (the black hen).  Hillary and Charlise (the two blonde hens) should follow soon after that!

About the garden... 
I gave up on it.
My excuse?  Erin has been out of town for over six weeks now, and there is absolutely no telling when she will be back in Atlanta for good.  She's doing fun movie things all over the country!
I honestly cannot keep up with watering a garden that must withstand sweltering Georgia heat all by myself when it requires driving to someone else's house before 6 a.m. every day in order to keep it healthy (veggie gardens need to be watered before the sun comes up) and get myself to work on time.  I tried doing the waterings in the afternoons after work, but the garden (baby beets and carrots) was suffering for it.

My tomatoes wouldn't bloom no matter how much I watered them.  Now that I'm not...
They're all over the vine!

I do still keep care of the zinnias and basil.
Just so you don't get too worried about that.
